Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tylenol Changes

Tylenol has changed its dosing. To all Moms out there, you may wish to read the following article. I was not aware of the changes until I bought a new bottle of baby acetaminophen the other day and opened this huge bottle. It pretty much concludes that it is less concentrated to reduce medication errors by standardizing dosing across products.
The only inconvenience is that I personally prefer the dropper to the syringe - less messy & less clean up, but whatever.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Trusted Web Sites

I google or yahoo search a lot when looking for advice on many things. When doing this, however, one has to be aware of what information they're receiving and the accuracy of it, especially regarding childcare. Here's a couple of websites I try to frequent when searching the health care of children. Also, anything that ends in ".gov" or ".edu" (government/education) is more strictly regulated than a lot of the ".com".



Just food for thought. Take it or leave it. :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Work Halloween Pics

Introducing: the butcher, the baker, and the candle-stick maker. Bahahaha! :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Birth Order Book

I just finished The Birth Order Book by Dr Kevin Lehman. I borrowed it from the library and liked it so much I bought it used online from Amazon for cheap. Needless to say, I liked it and highly recommend it to everyone. It pretty much as 4 parts: this history of the author and his birth order, your birth order and what it says about you, your spouse and how to best communicate with their birth order, and your children and how to treat them - including adoptions and mixed families. The author states that one tends to empathize more with their child of the same birth order, but tend to be attracted to a different birth order. I like the last part especially because he reminds you to spend 1:1 time with your children and how each is an individual and they need that time with Mom & Dad. He takes into account genders and age-spacing between kids, so while I may be the "baby princess", he would also deem me a functional first born since there was more than 3 years between me and the next in line and a different gender.
While it's kind of like reading your horoscope and saying "that's me!", it also has a lot of good suggestions from a positive, upbeat Christian psychologist on how to analyze yourself and change yourself for the better. Two thumbs up from this baby of the family, but also functional first-born (you'll understand if you read the book).

Thursday, November 10, 2011

1 Year Check-Up

1 Year Checkup today:

Height: 30.5" (87%-tile)

Weight: 21lb, 2 oz (49%-tile)

Head: 18.5" (92%-tile)

Shots: chicken pox & pneumococcal. Blood taken to test for lead. Flu shot - next week. She was SUCH a good girl. Nurse offered Itty-Bitty a sucker, but I declined her first taste of high fructose corn syrup - :).

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Toddler, but Always My Baby (sniff, sniff) :)

The day after her birthday, Elizabeth decided that big girls walk, and so she started pushing her walker around the house - including the back-up. She just amazes me more and more each day!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Elizabeth's Birthday

Pics from E's B-day. The one thing we forget through all the prep and excitement was our presents to Elizabeth. We bought her a new car seat (22-80 lbs - yeah!), a name plaque, and her 1st birthday angel from Great Grandma Betty.

A year ago, we welcomed
A baby of our own.
Nervously and sleepily,
We took her to our home.

We figured out the nursing.
This goes how? and where?
We were told there would be crying,
And how to show we care.

A year has gone so quickly,
Yet we have learned so much.
We've felt a love so strongly,
In a baby's gentle touch.

Her laughs and smiles.
Herpouts and tears.Wow!
She can get so mad!
But we wouldn't trade a minute,
As a thankful mom and dad.