Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Last Brooks/Bulinski/Maki/Schaefer Family Dinner for the Year

Mmmmm...Gramma's Pie

6 Grand kids & 3 on the way
Miss you already!

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Checkup & shots all around this past week. Elizabeth is 29# (32%-tile), 3'1"(41%-tile).
Felicity is:16#1oz (75%-tile), 26.25" long (95%-tile), head: 16.5" (75%-tile).
All three of us girls got our shots.  Elizabeth and Mommy got our flu shots & Felicity got 1 of her 4 mo. shots (we'll get the other 2 in 2 weeks--our dr is REALLY good about letting us separate them).

Elizabeth getting her BP taken, "I'm a big girl!"

SUCH a smiley baby!

Late pic: Daddy & Elizabeth made Mommy a yummy b-day cake!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

"Cholake pokorn"

Elizabeth fell in love w/ this after a gal @ work made it for her. It's like a cocaine-addiction. Melt 1 pkg white chocolate chips & pour over 1 6 oz prepopped bagged popcorn. Stir, stir, stir. Pour over table covered w/ foil or wax paper. Allow to cool. Num num. (since I don't have a double boiler, I used a glass bowl in a pot w/ hot water in it. Put it on "low" & don't let water get in the chocolate or heat too hot, too fast otherwise it will seize up.)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Child's Prayer

After our recited prayers tonight, which Elizabeth is getting better at, we say for what we're thankful. Elizabeth ends hers tonight with, "and thank you for Mark & kitties & auntie Kitty & puppies & grandmas & papas & butterflies & ice cream & bumblebees & flowers & Babies & Patty & Doug & Arlene & cousins & ..." and she keeps going after we kiss her goodnight. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

E = 3 yrs, F = 4 mo.

My little pumpkins have matching shirts - one from each Grandma. Unplanned. 
This weekend I asked Felicity if she was hungry. She replied with, " num num," which is what we call nursing. Then during one of her nightly cries, she was crying, "maaa, maaa." Even David heard it, when u thought I was imagining things. I've heard the 2nd child talks sooner, but @ 4 mo?! Hehe

Friday, November 1, 2013

Totem Pole Pics

Happy 3rd Birthday Elizabeth Angel

To my dear, sweet Elizabeth: three years ago today you changed our world. You've changed so much in such a short amount if time. I am so proud of you. You're the first to call me "mom" and sweetest little 'angel'. You are a loving & generous big sister. God blessed us on this day. Happy All-Saints-Day and Happy Birthday.