Saturday, March 18, 2017


I haven't blogged much lately.  I rarely spend much time on my computer besides doing the budget and the blog app on my phone no longer works.  Also my camera broke, and while the camera repair shop "fixed it" in a bandage approach, it's still difficult to get the battery & card out to charge and get pictures from it.

I miss blogging. I love journaling in my journal and leaving something behind for my family so they know me on a different level. I want them to know me, not just remember me.  Here is my journal, here is my online journal as well to let my family:friends just how special they are to someone.

Lately I've heard this in 4 different spots; The Shack (book & movie), 7 Secrets of Confession book, Bible  study, & The Best Lent by Matthew Kelly. What is "this"?: sin is it's own punishment.  Here I saw God as throwing down lightening bolts of punishment when I screwed up. Turns out I was the one turning away from him, as if turning away from the sun and my own shadow attached to me as my punishment.  When I reconcile with him, I turn to face him again and I no longer face my shadows.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Why do Catholic women wear chapel veils at Mass?

The veil is meant to be an external sign of a woman's interior desire to humble herself before God, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. As women, we are symbols of the Church - the Bride of Christ - and "the veil is meant to be a visible reminder of the perfect submission of the Church to the loving rule of Christ."
For 2000 years, Catholic women have worn some kind of head covering in Church. Though the particular reasons for doing so have varied (for example, modesty in the time of St. Paul), this practice has always focused on the transcendence of the place - the church, the very dwelling of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Having been given this magnficent Gift by Jesus himself, every Catholic church holds something not found anywhere else: the true, living presence of our Bridegroom, hidden under the appearance of bread and wine.
"The veil is a visual sermon, ... a public proclamation before the Lord that He IS the Lord and that we love Him and that we are ready to obey him. It's a totally counter-cultural statement proclaiming obedience in the midst of a culture that is totally permeated with this attitude of 'I will not serve.'"

The veil is a sign of the great dignity inherent to a woman, who has the potential to receive life within herself... both human life and the supernatural life of God. This is an important message the world needs to hear, now more than ever!

Sunday, March 5, 2017