Thursday, September 13, 2018

Letting Go

If you lend only when you expect to receive, what kind of graciousness is yours? For sinners also lend to sinners, expecting to receive something in return. But love your enemies and do good to them, and lend when there is nothing to expect in return. Then will your reward be great and you will be sons and daughters of the Most High. For He is kind towards the ungrateful and the wicked. 

»Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Don't be a judge of others and you will not be judged; do not condemn and you will not be condemned; forgive and you will be forgiven; give and it will be given to you, and you will receive in your sack good measure, pressed down, full and running over. For the measure you give will be the measure you receive back.

This passage came at just the right time. This summer I gave away a majority of my baby stuff to a friend who was surprised with a beautiful addition to their family and to the Pregnancy Lifecare Center. I did hold on to my cloth diapers (because they were SO expensive and also held sweet memories of diapering my babies) & strollers (because Felicity can still fit in them). When I found out two friends of mine were in need of some items I still possess I hesitated. These were mine, my memories, my just-in-case-there’s-another-one.  It’s hard. These are MINE. “No they’re not,” I hear in my mind. “They’re mine. I let you use them and now you share.” Is it God speaking or my guardian angel? Likely. But I bought them with my money. “I gave you the money,” I hear. OK God. You love a cheerful giver. But what if they don’t appreciate the gift? What if they’re misused or not use at all. “It’s just stuff. Gifts are given w/o strings attached.” 

Why let material possessions rot away for just-in-case when they could be used by some little bundle now?  I can always buy more if I need. Why not bless others? Thank you, God. Let me be a blessing to others are you are a blessing to me. 💗

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Quote from Pope St. Gregory the Great

"When we attend to the needs of those in want, we give them what is theirs, not ours. More than performing works of mercy, we are paying a debt of justice."
— Pope Saint Gregory the Great