Wednesday, December 28, 2022


My beautiful ballerina at her first ballet 12/15.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Beautiful Weather this Summer & Fall

​Before I forget to note: this year was a perfect weather, low allergy, low bug year.  The summer was perfect for temps and rain.  The wintery-spring lasted long into April, but the ground was moist. And this autumn has been one of the longest.  We saw a few flakes in Oct, so that was the end of the garden, but on Halloween it was in the high 60’s. Nov 2 it was 69°.  We haven’t had to use the new wood stove but a few time, much to David’s disappointment because he likes tending the fire. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Elizabeth’s Last Year As a Pre-teen

My baby girl turned 12 today. She had a Hawaiian party with a few (homeschool) friends since it was on a Tuesday. She plays the piano beautifully. She enjoys history, reading, and baking. Dislikes: shopping. 😆 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Wood Heat Indoors vs Outdoors

Thanks to David & Gary’s fancy tile work and Wilkening’s installation, we have a new wood stove since Sept 26th. It has soap stones on the inside to heat up and hold the heat longer. The basement went from 66° to 84° pretty quickly.  I believe it has a catalytic converter inside, but we looked at SO many, I can’t remember anymore. 🤦‍♀️ Its super efficient and very pretty. 

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Bye, Bye, Baby

My girls are 9 & 11 yo. We’ve been cleaning out and giving items they’ve outgrown to others. While it’s so sad for me to get rid of some of the silliest things, I’m happy to bless others with free baby items that will be loved. This new chapter is hard, leaving behind their babyhood, but the girls understand. Maybe I can convince my heart the same. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Felicity’s Last Year of Single Digits

My Baby Girl turned 9 today. She is the happiest little thing, loves her ukulele, hamster ‘Clover’, stuffies, & shopping. Dislikes: schoolwork. 😆