Monday, February 21, 2011

Humble Thyself in the Sight of the Lord

What a week. Do you ever feel sometimes that someone swapped your bed so that you're always waking up on the wrong side every day? My van got a flat at my daycare and I had to walk to work. My dog tore up a section of our carpet & peed on another section. Baby was going through a crabby phase where she would scream bloody murder from nothing. Sliced my hand open on a soup can. Some people turn to the Lord when things are good. Some, when times are bad. I try to all the time.

Flat tire: I thanked the Lord for the ability to walk. Thanked Him that it is only a mile from the daycare to work. I thanked him that it was an incredibly warm morning and that I had worn comfortable shoes that day. I thanked him that even though my hairspray didn't hold in the light drizzle, that I had grabbed a headband and stuck it in my pocket before work. For my talented hubby to fix my tire. I thanked Him for the donut shop along the way. :)

Dog: I was thankful for the perfect sized rug to use until we replace the chewed-up carpet. And for the new carpet shampooer we purchased. And that no matter what, I love my Mutt...some days more than others.

Soup can: I may have sliced my hand open washing a soup can, but luckily it didn't hurt as bad as expected when doing dishes or giving Baby a bath.

Crying Baby: Thinking it was teething pain, we tried everything. Turns out she just needed a little time on back to do the bicycle and to poop (and poop).
So, we can mope about what happened to us, or be grateful about the positive side of things. So, like I read in Guideposts "Is faith your first response or your last resort" (Greg McDonald).


  1. Awesome post Deed. Sorry for the tough stuff...but thanks for helping us keep things in perspective. Yea, Donuts!

    Love You,

  2. He won't bring you to it if He won't bring you through it, right? Thanks for the positive feedback. Love you!

  3. Mom says, you're amazing

  4. Well, thanks, but who do you think implanted that faith in me from the beginning of my life...Mom? :) Love you!
