Thursday, July 14, 2011

Minnesota Government Shutdown: Grandmas and Grandpas Speak Out
What's at Stake in Minnesota
We are now 13 days into a state government shutdown, with the eyes of the nation and even the international community upon us. We are face to face with the structural deficit that budget analysts predicted more than two years ago. Even while services to seniors rank among the highest of priorities, we will not come away from this stand-off between the Legislature and the Governor without cuts. Still, we can shape the final outcome – our immediate goal is to secure about $20 million that would close the gap between the Governor’s and the Legislature’s budgets for the spectrum of senior care.

As the closed-door negotiations between Governor Dayton and legislative leaders continue, we must return to our core messages and remind policymakers of the $6.7 billion economic impact of older adult services on the state economy, the 142,000 jobs we generate, the demographic changes that are sweeping our state and the names and faces of those we serve and those we employ.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Thanks Father Ryan!

Our very dear Friend and Priest, Fr. Ryan is leaving our parish and moving on to another. He was only with us a few years, but surely touched a lot of lives in such a short amount of time. He is very gifted, talented, knowledgeable, and spiritual. He has such a zest for the Lord and is on fire for Him. I always kidded him, saying that he has the background and knowledge of a priest, but the enthusiasm of a protestant. I think he liked that. He did not say goodbye, only “thanks”. There wasn’t a dry eye in the congregation during his last homily, at least not amongst the women as we wiped away tears. Maybe someday he’ll come back. Until then, we’ll be praying for him and God’s Will and eternal blessings for him and all our priests. (Here pictured is Elizabeth pulling out his Roman collar.)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Boo Boo's First Sleep Over

Elizabeth had her first over night stay at Grandma Candy's and Grandpa Gary's house last Friday night. I cried since we have not ever been apart since conception :). She was a very good girl, besides choosing not to take a bath and even ate all her cereal & applesauce for them (this is new for her). Grandma said maybe next time she could stay the whole weekend. Maybe when Mommy is more ready! Here's a pic with her and her over night bag (Mr. Musical Seahorse made his first overnight visit too).

Monday, July 11, 2011

Peas Please

Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old.
Can't you just read her mind by the look on her face?
"Oh Mother!"


Tuesdays with Morrie

I just finished a book on tape. I like these because I can still work in my garden, cook, or do whatever and still "read". :)
I just finished Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom. It was truly fantastic. I love how Mr. Albom writes and how everything he seems to say ... just flows. His story jumps from the past to the present multiple times, and he always does well as bringing the reader in to the current tense. I've always wanted to read this book and it held up to the standards I was expecting. It is about the final interview of a professor in the last few months of his life. On one hand, he's dying (from Lou Gehrig's disease) and losing the capability to do things for himself. On the other hand, he's still living and sharing what he has learned. I cannot remember how Morrie quoted it, but it's like his life was a bridge between the current life and the after life. I highly recommend this book if you want a slightly sad, yet uplifting quick read.

"Don't hang on too long, but don't let go too soon." -Morrie

PS: Other good reads by Mitch Albom are One More Day and The Five People You Meet in Heaven

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Just a Few Cute Pictures

Iz & Eliz at our house.

My Beautiful, Smiley 8 month old Baby.

Itty Bitty in her outdoor playpen, supervising Mommy's gardening.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Daily Devotional - Children

This is the prayer in my daily devotional for today. I thought it was nice and that I'd share it.
Father, thank you for children - Your special gift to my world. Thank you for their laughter, their innocence, and their unquestioning trust. Protect them from sickness, injuries, and sin. Make straight their paths and lead them into Your sunlight. Amen.