Tuesday, July 24, 2012

David's Shadow

We bought Elizabeth a swingset, or a "Wee" according to BooBoo.
Here's David putting it together with his little helper.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Elizabeth - 20 Month Twins Fan

Sunday Gloves a Blooming

This is a bulb I planted a couple of summers ago for Dad in my flower bed. It finally bloomed this year.  It's called "Sunday Gloves".  It blooms for about a day and then closes and falls off.  Even though it has multiple blooms - they never last long enough - kinda like the time we spend with loved ones.  So cherish it whilst its here.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Gamily Get-Together @ Grandma & Grandpa Ely's

Girls playing in the tree house

"Auntie, take my picture". W's so much fun!

"Push me"

Grammy giving kiddos rides on tire swing

Calling all babies into the lake

Sometimes the best place is Papa's lap

The family that doesn't go hungry.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Homemade Tartar Sauce

I made fish for David the other night.  He then asked if we had any tartar sauce.  I never carry it in the house because it goes bad before we ever use it again and not being a fish eater - I didn't think of it.  Here's a recipe I found in a pinch.  These ingredients I do always keep on hand.  Thought I'd share.

Homemade Tartar sauce
3/4 C. Mayo or salad dressing
1/4 C. pickle relish (dill or sweet)
2 T. finely chopped onion
1 T. snipped fresh parsley
2 t capers, drained (optional)

Mix all ingredients together. Chill for 2 hours before serving.  Cover & save leftovers for up to 1 wk.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Surprise Visit from Ely

Patty, Grammy, & BooBoo
Grammy & Papa stopped by for a quick hi/hello after spending the morning in Goodland assisting with some after-storm yard cleanup.  Thanks for coming, Guys!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Baby Finally Weighs more than Alpo

Lexie: now 22#. Elizabeth: now 23#
This past week it was 90+ degrees everyday.  We did a lot of pool time and indoor time.
Chillin' in the pool with Dad

Brooks Wii Family

90+ degrees is too hot to play outside.

"So Happy!"
Lexie was on Science Diet Active Longevity.  It had 12% crude fat so I changed her to Beneful Healthy Weight which has 6% crude fat.  She had put on too much weight since we adopted her 2 years ago - about 5#.  She has way more energy (she actually pulls me on our nightly walks) & loves the food.  Let's hope it shows on her waistline, too.