Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Birth Story on Thing 2

Felicity Joy Brooks is 10 days old. She's such a good girl and a kissable, huggable  baby. Her birth story is such: mild contractions @ midnight Saturday morning. Mom & Dad up @ 4AM, showering and having steady contractions. Woke Elizabeth @ 5:30 so Grandma & Papa could pick her up @ 6. Arrived to hospital @ 6:45. Strong, sharp, fast contractions so we jumped in the tub to rest around 9AM. After 1/2 hr we got out. Baby had good heart rate. Started feeling the urge to push @ 11:30. Dr did break water at very end since it was inhibiting the descending of her head. Dr noted some meconium in the water so he paged respiratory & pediatrician, but baby's lungs/mouth were clear. Used birth bar & 3 pushes later out came baby, crying loud & clear. "It's a girl," said the dr. And a wonderful girl she is. She is a good eater and definitely a good sleeper. She resembles her proud big sister, but while Elizabeth had lots of dark locks, Felicity came out fair. Thanks for all the support, gifts, & visits from loved ones. 
Much love,
 C, D, E, & F Brooks

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