Monday, September 21, 2015


This is a while back but I still want to journal the memory:
The girls and I were in the van. I was parked and someone had sent me a pic of my dad, a beautiful one I hadn't seen in a while. Elizabeth is watching me from her seat. I zoom in on the picture and take a pic of it w/ my smart phone. Well when I do this the phone makes the camera "flash" noise. Elizabeth asks me what I'm taking a picture of. Out of ignorance I tell her quickly, "my dad". I'll never forget how she then snaps to attention and starts looking through every window of the van to catch a glimpse of me dad. "Where is he?" She asks hurriedly.  "Oh honey, I'm just taking a picture of a picture on my phone." And I show her. She sits back, obviously disappointed, as am I. For there are no more pictures, no more hugs, no more laughs around the fire pit...until we meet again. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

#2 is in Her Big Girl Bed for 1 Wk Now!

Pretending to sleep when be woken in the wee morning hours. 
The crib all disassembled and ready for removal. My baby is growing up too fast.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Elizabeth's First homework

E's first homework was actually mine as the teacher asked the parents 10 questions as well as asking for a narrative on the back about something about your child. 
So I ask E what she wants to be when she grows up. This changes often but today she said, "a mom". Awe ;)
Then I ask her what makes her special. She says, "that Jesus loves me." AWE!!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

My Oldest's First Day of School

Little sis wanted to photo bomb 
Tying her shoes all by herself!
She doesn't like me calling her my baby so this is my Oldest's first day of pre K. 
She will go MWFs all day. At first she was nervous but them at the end of the day asked when she could go back again. 
Wow! This past 4 years just flew by!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Nighttime Routine

Felicity loves making a game out of having her shirt pulled off. Otherwise the process is torture to her. So I finally caught her as "Sister Felicity" as her neckhole pulls her face up. 
I'm currently listening to the little munchkin lie in her bed counting to 20 & kicking the bed rail when she is supposed to be going to sleep. 3 nights ago we pulled the side off of her crib so now it's a toddler bed. 
The days are long, but the years are short.