Monday, April 18, 2016

Baby Chicks!

Introducing...Sam our Black Sex-Link

"I'm ready for my close-up" Fizzy named Sam. 

Anna...our ISA Brown
Elsa--our Salmon Favorelle- fuzzy legs & 5 toes 
Koney- Americana (Easter egg layer)
Candy- Americana (Easter egg layer)
Buffy the Buff Orpington
Princess Lay-a (get it)- Black Australorp
Rocky-our Barred Rock
Cali- California White
Queen Rose - Rhode Island Red
These girlies have stolen our hearts. 5 of them came to school today to see the pre-k class. They are 6 days old and already have some of their wing feathers and the buns of their tailfeathers.  Makes a mama sad to see her babies growing so fast. The girls are already quite the little chicken whisperers.
Napping in warm little hands.

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