Wednesday, November 9, 2016

2016 Election

I'll be honest, I voted for Evan McMullin.  I wish it would have been Hillary vs Ted Cruz.  BUT -- that didn't stop David and I from rooting for Trump last night when watching the polls.  I don't know what we will get with Trump, but I do know what we would get with Hillary...4 more years of what Obama did to this poor country, and worse.  

I pray for our country.  I pray for our president.  Republicans took the presidency, the house, & the senate.  As much as people believe that Obama did "such great things for our nation", I beg to ask the question -- then why did the country vote this way and BEG for change???

I believe Trump is deep down still democrat, but I also believe he likes to be popular and well liked. He does not want to fail.  Obama has divided this country horribly.  In Glen Beck's words, Trump has his work cut out for him...about as much as Lincoln had to unify this nation.  Obama & Clinton are of the "us and them" mentality.  She made this clear when she called Trump supporters "deplorables".  I pray Trump reaches across the aisle and fixes what is terribly, terribly wrong.
Trump got Florida, Michigan, & Wisconsin -- what does that tell you? Hope and change went the wrong way, but I digress.

God bless America.

Hillary Clinton
Donald J. Trump
270 to win

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