Thursday, January 19, 2017

Time Stops

Have you ever seen one of those shows where the video is sped up?  Traffic zooms so all you see are streaks of red and yello lights.  The busy streets of places like New York are just a blur of people, pedestrians obeying street lights, all melding into one blur. Nature videos sped up so it shows grass grow, a flower grow, blossom, and die, and the sun rising a setting in a few seconds on screen.

This is how I've always felt when an intense life event occurs.  It's as though time has stopped for me and those affected and we're just standing in the middle of it watching the world go by.  It happened when my great grandma died.  It happened when Dad died. It happened when I gave birth to both of my daughters and as I lost my third.  It doesn't always have to be negative.  Yet my heart cries out for the rest of the world, "SLOW DOWN! Don't you know what could happen to you?"

I'm surprised when it happens, and when it doesn't.  I'm reading a book by Matthew Kelly and when he writes of the time he was diagnosed with cancer it made me realize this dazed feeling he described has happened to me and I can recall each and every time.  It's a very close-to-God moment and must be what heaven is like.  Better is one day in your courts than thousands elsewhere

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