Monday, December 27, 2021

Mom IS the Home

Merry Christmas. I read this in an article about veiling at mass and thought it was too beautiful not to share.  I veil at church; for respect to Christ, for my own humility. I don’t require my daughters to because that is their own personal choice. Sometimes I am the only one, sometimes there are 4-5 more, but when we attended a Latin mass in Crookston, every woman and girl was wearing a veil. It was gorgeous.  

I was reading an article about a man writing about veiling and how beautiful is wife is to him.  I love this quote about a mother IS a home.  I think we felt that as children growing up, but don’t realize it as mothers ourselves how weighty this job really is for us to our family.  We aren’t just the sandwich cutters or book readers or laundry folders.  A mother IS the heart of the home. 

“The Blessed Virgin Mary reminds us that a mother does not “make” a home. A mother is home. Eve is the height of creation because she is a prophecy of the New Eve, the Mother of the Church, the Virgin Mary — and in all her statues and icons, Mary is wearing a veil.”

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