Thursday, March 3, 2011

Yes, that Pseudoephedrine is for Me

God gave me two ears and one mouth. You would think I would use them in this proportion.

I went to the pharmacy this week b/c my husband has a cold and needed Advil Cold & Sinus. He won't take anything else. So, it's 8:30 at night, getting late for someone who goes to bed at 9PM. It's 1 degree outside with winds of 20 below. I go to the aisle for colds, pick up the little card that states "bring this card to the pharmacy for this medication". (Not like I would know what to do with this crap even if I did do drugs.) This law-abiding citizen hands the card to the pharmacy tech. She smiles, takes it from me and asks for my license. What? OK, whatever. She proceeds to punch in a series of a thousand buttons on her screen while looking back and forth from my license to the computer while we make small talk. (Usually these techs are so busy they don't have time for small talk, but when it's 9:00 at night, the line is pretty short.) Apparently the government wants to regulate this? "Well, I'm glad the government now knows that my husband has a cold." The tech stops, her jaw drops, and she looks at me with eyes that say, you stupid, stupid girl.
"I can't sell this to you since it isn't for you," she says.
"WHAT?" I say, eyes bulging, arms akimbo (I've always wanted to use that word.) "But it's going to my house. I'll eventually use it."
"No," she replied, "I have cameras on me and I am not allowed to sell it to you if it isn't for you."
Whatever (and I meant whatever at this point).
"I know you're just doing your job, but that's it. I'm telling everyone."
And that's just what I'm the both of you who read this blog, hahaha.

So I bundled up inside my winter coat & stormed out to find myself another pharmacy. Luckily there's no shortage of them in this town. And I didn't say one word to the next tech behind the counter. The last time I bought this stuff was when it was still on the shelves, so that shows you how often I get it. More than likely, it will expire before we ever finish the package.

Freedom of speech? Not in this situation. I just kept thinking, "Lord keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth." Two ears, one mouth. Two ears, one mouth. Two ears, one mouth. Two ears, one mouth.


  1. un frikin believable, Mom

  2. sorry you had all that hassle, that's what you get for being honest :D lol
