Sunday, May 1, 2011

6 Months Old Today

Elizabeth is now 6 months old. Having her has been so wonderful. It amazes me how she takes the simplest things and analyzes them. She tries to grab pictures in a book, not yet realizing that they are just flat drawings. She also tries to grab the water when I pour it from a cup. Isn't it amazing in the process of teaching your child how many things you realize they are just seeing for the first time?
She can now sit by herself (with pillows around her) for a few minutes at independent play. Her favorite song is the alphabet. And she just finished her first bowl of rice tonight. It's amazing how 6 months can absolutely flip your world upside down. Just when you think you have it good, God can be so generous and give you a baby. Happy 1/2 birthday, Little Bits. We love you.

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