Friday, June 10, 2011

Recent Findings by This Blog's Author

Have you looked at the ingredients in coffee creamer (corn syrup solids, vegetable oils, dipotassium phosphate, etc)? Ick. Now look at dry milk. Milk & Vit D. This is what I now use in my coffee. I buy it the large box and keep some in Tupperware for my daily coffee. Much healthier than the other coffee creamer -- even though I am a sucker sometimes for the flavored, liquid ones. I will not be using the plain, powdered type anymore.

Where are the worst germs in your house? In the drain of your kitchen sink! Gross! So the next time you drop a grape down there...rewash it or toss it, don't just pop it (in your mouth).

And why do we dust with a wet rag vs. just using a feather duster? "There are three main components of dust: first, dead skin cells, second, the dried feces and dessicated corpses of dust mites lovely thought, eh? When people develop a house-dust allergy, this is usually the component they are reacting to), and the last component by volume is tiny fibers shed by clothing -- cotton is bad for this, and jeans are the worst. This is for ordinary house dust. (Incidentally, dust mites are not generally visible, except with a microscope; they are 200-300 microns long, they eat dead skin cells and live in bedding, carpets and soft furnishings.)"

OK, I'm getting off my soap box now...and going to clean with its contents. :)

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