Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day Off for Mama & Baby

David took some vacation this week to work on the decks. The last two nights have been horrible with Elizabeth wailing every time we put her down to bed & keeping us up all night. Then she started digging in her left ear, but we chalked it up to teething pain. Two nights of sleeping with Mommy & Daddy lead up to missing work today and a diagnosis of an ear infection. She's on a 5-day antibiotic and while she has a continuous snotty nose, she's an otherwise happy kid. That's why we thought it was teething; she's fine during the day. Poor little girl. But we did spend a nice day together and got to watch Daddy mix cement and pour the footings today.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September Updates

September has been a busy month. I wanted to journal so I don't forget what we completed. We finally got carpet in the SE bedroom. The walls are tan and I wanted to get away from brown and brown, so I did a green carpet in this room. (I think) it looks good. Yeah! 3/3 spare bedrooms completed! Almost - still have to finish the molding, but yeah!

We replaced three windows on the front of the house. This was supposed to be a 2012 project, but a rock through the widow via lawnmower boosted it up a year. And if you do one, you may as well do an adjacent one too! Two thumbs up on the Jeld Wen window! Great quality.

Here is a picture of the garage. If you look closely you'll see something that wasn't there before. No, not the broken windows that were replaced...the snow bar on the roof & the gutters (front, back not pictured). Good teamwork, Babe!

And here's out little helper. This is the view she usually gets with most recent household projects since she's a girl on the go and everything goes in the mouth. It's just easier to strap her on and let her supervise our work! :)
With the 3 days of 22 degree nights, our garden was pretty much shot - what was left over - but we snapped a few pictures of what we nibbled on this summer. I really missed out on our eggplants this year. Phoey on freezing temps! Luckily my Mom blessed us with tomatoes galore, so we'll still get tomatoes on our lunches and also my favorite: fried green tomatoes! Mmmmm.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Night @ Grandma & Grandpa Ely's

Boo Boo & Mommy spent the night @ Grammy Koney's & Papa Earl's. They took us out for a super dinner. Miss Elizabeth was such a good girl, eating her crackers and chewing on straws. In the morning we had a yummy breakfast and a little relaxation and "garage sailing" before the ride home. Here's a picture Grammy took of her wiped out on the couch. Thanks for the fun time and the hospitality. Hope to see you again real soon! XOXO

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mommy's Helper Cushie Toilet - Works!

10 months old, 8 teeth, and first dookie in the potty last night (Daddy's words). We bought Mommy's Helper Cushie Toilet so we wouldn't have to empty a floor potty, and received it in the mail yesterday. Miss E used it for the first time last night. Could have been a fluke chance that we got her on the pot in time, but she did it, had her little book sitting in her lap and everything. :) I won't post pics so as not to embarrass her...I'll print those out for her graduation party. JK. Anyhow, to review the potty, we've only had it a day, but it's (fairly) sturdy (we'll see when a 3 y.o. comes to sit on it), it's simple, easy to don & doff from the toilet, cushie on the bottom, and only $22 @ 2 Thumbs up I say.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ban Puppy Mills!

I was watching the Dog Whisperer and he had a special on Puppy Mills. What I didn't realize is that any puppy you buy can be from a puppy mill - or their parents, and this includes any dog from the classified ads and especially pet stores (the worst). Unfortunately, puppy mills are not illegal. Many claim the pups and parents are free reign with good exercise. This is not true. Some of these dogs never get to see the light of day and are kept in small cages - only used to breed. They are abused, missing limbs due to chicken-wired cages, can be inbred and have infections. Sick. I encourage you, adopt from a shelter. What a sick world we live in.
These people had 400 hundred dogs when they were only licensed for 100 dogs. They were forced to get rid of 300 dogs overnight. Luckily, they they humanelygave them to kennels and shelters versus putting them down, but still: