Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ban Puppy Mills!

I was watching the Dog Whisperer and he had a special on Puppy Mills. What I didn't realize is that any puppy you buy can be from a puppy mill - or their parents, and this includes any dog from the classified ads and especially pet stores (the worst). Unfortunately, puppy mills are not illegal. Many claim the pups and parents are free reign with good exercise. This is not true. Some of these dogs never get to see the light of day and are kept in small cages - only used to breed. They are abused, missing limbs due to chicken-wired cages, can be inbred and have infections. Sick. I encourage you, adopt from a shelter. What a sick world we live in.
These people had 400 hundred dogs when they were only licensed for 100 dogs. They were forced to get rid of 300 dogs overnight. Luckily, they they humanelygave them to kennels and shelters versus putting them down, but still: