Sunday, September 16, 2012

Plant Freezables Near Each Other

I am starting a "Gardening Tips" label for myself (and the 3 people who read this blog :) ). Since we have such a short growing season, we have to make the most of it.  Year after year I get these good tips, but do not remember them from year to year - so I blog them for future reference.  They will include things I hear from others as well as trial & error on my part.

Plant Freezables Near Each Other:  It just so happened that the past few nights have been pretty cold and so we cover our freezables with plastic.  Out of pure dumb luck, I planted my cukes, tomatoes, and peppers near one another.  Thereby, we were able to cover them all together versus covering different parts of the garden.  That's my tip.  Take it or leave it, but I'll try to remember it for next year too!

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