Sunday, November 11, 2012

Election 2012

This is my blog, my on-line journal. Here I can write what I want. It's mine. My opinions, my record of events for my children to look back on in the future. So here...I write.

Tuesday evening I voted. I voted conservative and I voted YES for the marriage amendment to be defined as "One Woman & One Man". I voted YES for people to bring photo IDs with them to vote. I vote the ETHICS. But (sigh) America and MN went against the grain that God has set out.

OBAMA: A man was voted into the white house who wants to cut our military budget, and already has, making us a more vulnerable country.
He takes tax-payers money to give to places like Planned Parenthood to give free abortions to the low income (I know of women personally who use abortions as a method of birth control and have multiple abortions versus taking the Pill). Obama once was quoted, regarding abortion, "I wouldn't want my daughters to be punished with a baby." Punished? Really? And he supports partial-birth abortion - where the baby is near full term, partially delivered, and then it's brains are sucked out through a syringe in order to kill it. Disgusting and degrading.
This is the man who let us believe, for 14 days, a terrorist attack was really a "demonstration". He LIED to the American people. And later when he said he called it a terrorist attack, he did not, he said "The American people will not tolerate terror". That's not the same thing.
And this is who we RE-elected to run our country? A man who lies, kills. A man who claims the responsibility to have "...gotten Bin Ladin" when it was President Bush's decision to go after him in the first place while Obama said he was going to pull all troops back home as soon as he became president the 1st time?
Now he is going to raise the taxes on "wealthy" small business owners (anyone making over $250K - which is not a lot for small businesses), leaving these businesses with less money to hire more employees. Therefore more unemployed Americans. More taxes taken out of everyone's pockets to support the unemployed. He is going to put Obama Care into place, which is just devastating, and a joke once one reads into it.

I woke up Wednesday morning, barely got my robe and glasses on before turning on the TV to find out the election results. Living in a blue state, I wasn't much surprised by the MN results. Disappointed, but still not surprised. But my heart still sank as I saw that the Christians had been defeated all around. I kept thinking, "My God, my God. Why have you abandoned me?" Then I started to think: God didn't let us down. He didn't abandon us. God is a 'gentleman' and He won't go where he isn't invited. If a majority of our country does not want God here, He won't be. And maybe this is God's Will. We won't know why certain things happen until He comes again.

Christi: why do you vote conservative? I vote the moral & ethical issues. And even if the candidates aren't perfect, I vote for the least likely to go against God's will. My Liberal friends don't tend to like my answer because usually the ethical topics I bring up "don't apply to me", per them.  Hmm.

Abortion is a sin, yet it is legal. Homosexual marriages are a sin, yet becoming legal (1 Cor. 6:9-10). Just because something is written into law, does not make it right. 

What happens when we go to heaven some day and ask God, "Why didn't you give a cure for cancer? Or AIDS? Why didn't we have world peace" God's reply: "I did. You aborted the baby I gave you to solve your problems."

We are going to have to answer to God, face to face, someday as to the decisions we made and the people we voted for in our lifetimes here on earth. God isn't going to say, "well, who had the best tax plan?" He's going to say "who did you vote for who preserved life?" Is God really going to say "Well done, my good and faithful servant" after we explain to him that we voted for a weaker economy, a liar, and a baby-killer?

I'm not posting this on Facebook.  Like I said in the beginning: this is my blog for me and my family. If you disagree, create your own blog and write your own thoughts. I am just writing this down so that there is never any doubt to anyone as to where I stand. What more can you say than:"Jesus Christ, thy Will be done."