Tuesday, January 5, 2016

3-Day Boot Camp Complete!

We started the 3-day potty training boot camp last Sunday since it was 3 days we would not be going anywhere. Felicity did great. 6 accidents each the first 2 days. 1 accident each the next 2 days. Now she's doing well, accident free for the last 4 days!  She even did well on our trip to Goodland for our Maki Christmas. 
Makes momma a little sad, but I don't miss the added laundry & added trash. 
Plus her first 2-yr molar, top left, started poking through the same time. 2 1/2 has been big changes for this sweetie. No more nukies either. At least she still lets me "rock-a-bye" her at night. (Sniff)

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