Thursday, May 12, 2016

Learning About Life

The chicks moved outside and loved it. Mother's Day after mass I went to check on the babies. The chicken door to the run was open, it was a beautiful day, but the chicks were scared and huddled in the corner of the coop. After multiple head counts I realized why; we were short one. "Candy" one of my 2 Americana Easter egg layers was missing. Best guess is a hawk took her from the run. The run now has a tarp over the top, but too late. I bawled & searched the woods incase she flew over the 6' fence. The kids took it better than me, but I also didn't let them see me cry over a chicken. She was such a pretty & sweet bird, one of Fizzy's favorites who would cuddle up in F's lap. Poor Candy. RIP. 
Seen here Candy was always one of our highest perchers. Prob why she got nabbed from the perch in the run. ;(

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