Sunday, August 28, 2016

Snow on the Mountain

While the girls napped I figured I would dig out the long grass and replace with some snow on the mountain that my mom gave us.  My "1-hour" project was easily tripled by snags, but I got it. The previous owners had shoved some lily bulbs in here, but they were overtaken by grass--and not the pretty ornamental grasses. So it looked pretty shabby. 

This spring I dug out most of the bulbs and put into Elizabeth's flower bed.  (I say Elizabeth's bc I would have pulled up the brick boarder and mowed the whole thing over, but she wanted her flowers. ;))

I started to till this, but it got entangled in the blades. So between pulling it 100x's to get it started & stopping to clean it, I stopped to weed wack it first.  That took pulling the weed wacker another 100xs before that started, too!  (Maybe not that many, but my back felt it!)
So I wacked it, and anything else in the backyard since I finally it it started. ;). The I hand-CLAWed it (love that toy!) and then tilled again--much better this time!

Pulled out all the grass by hand and separated the dirt. Pulled weeds from between the foam insulation & the garage and added a little Roundup behind the foam to kill what was there including slugs (ick).  

I then planted the snow on the mountain and Elizabeth watered (had to wake the grumpies up from their naps during this).  Then the babysitter came and helped me dump the weeds into the compost. (Love Karli!!)  Brushed off the dirt, put things away, changed clothes, and went on an anniversary date with hubby. Whew!  My easy-peasy project gone bezerk, but it's don't and it can establish roots before the frost. Hopefully next year this will fill in nicely with some 'snow'.

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