Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Sleepless Nights...again

 I truly believe that the human body knows what's going on before  we cognitively comprehend it.

 Late August and early September I was having trouble sleeping. I haven't had this much trouble since  my pregnancies and infanthood of my babies . I would wake up at about 1 o'clock stay awake until three or four in the morning and have no rhyme or reason for it except I thought I was pregnant.

Three weeks later I get a phone call to take in a baby, short-term or long-term, we don't yet know. He comes with terrible sleeping habits which we are working on with him.  It is slowly improving as he increases his trust in us.  Call it coincidence, Call it a God thing, call it what you like.  But I truly believe my body knew that something was coming before I did.

 I am still amazed that mothers can survive on the little sleep that we get.   I thought caring for a baby and limiting your sleep came with pregnancy, breastfeeding, or hormones.  But it turns out it is such a God-thing that he gives to parents.   If my kiddos can't sleep, one of us will usually crawl into bed with them.  While we don't sleep well, we still wake able to make it through the day that the Lord has made.  ;)

Amazing how our Creator created us.

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