Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Assumption of Mary

Our Lady of Guadalupe

"Rev 12: A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head."

Today we celebrate Mary being assumed into heaven.  Deacon Matt gave a wonderful homily on the beauty of Mary's "YES" to God.  She opened the doors that Eve had closed.  Jesus was then able to become the new Adam.  I pray that I continuously say "yes" to God.
The top pic is one of my many favorites of mother Mary; Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The middle picture is of the basement of the Basilica of St. Mary David and I went to on our last trip to Minneapolis.  It seems like an ordinary picture, but it was shocking to me because I've seen this basement in a very vivid dream.  There was a table in the middle and from the center was 7 hallways spreading out in each direction. Down each hallway was gorgeous painting sculptures, models, nativity scenes.  Simply breathtaking.  For a moment I was speechless and teary eyed because of how amazingly similar it was to the dream I had incurred.

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