Monday, December 27, 2021

Mom IS the Home

Merry Christmas. I read this in an article about veiling at mass and thought it was too beautiful not to share.  I veil at church; for respect to Christ, for my own humility. I don’t require my daughters to because that is their own personal choice. Sometimes I am the only one, sometimes there are 4-5 more, but when we attended a Latin mass in Crookston, every woman and girl was wearing a veil. It was gorgeous.  

I was reading an article about a man writing about veiling and how beautiful is wife is to him.  I love this quote about a mother IS a home.  I think we felt that as children growing up, but don’t realize it as mothers ourselves how weighty this job really is for us to our family.  We aren’t just the sandwich cutters or book readers or laundry folders.  A mother IS the heart of the home. 

“The Blessed Virgin Mary reminds us that a mother does not “make” a home. A mother is home. Eve is the height of creation because she is a prophecy of the New Eve, the Mother of the Church, the Virgin Mary — and in all her statues and icons, Mary is wearing a veil.”

Monday, November 8, 2021


Yesterday in the van the girls were talking. Lately Elizabeth has been having piano recitals, solos in mass, and served as an alter server. She’s comfortable in front of crowds (definitely didn’t get that from her parents!).  Felicity is just finally comfortable joining Youth Choir, back row. She can lead our family rosary. And be often found either trying to make someone laugh or create something for them as a gift. Back to the van conversation:

11yo: I like doing big things, leading people, helping others, doing jobs. (St Elizabeth Ann Seton)

8 yo: I don’t. I like to blend in and not stand out. I can do little things without getting attention. (St Therese, the Little Flower)

God made these girls different from the start. They compliment one another well. Two polar opposites, but yet puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together. I believe they will do great things, in their own big, or little, ways. ❤️ St Elizabeth & St Therese, please pray for my darlings. 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Frosted Front Door

I like my privacy. So I struggled having my front door see-through glass right into my home. Here are the before & after of frosting the window. I love it!! We may still replace the window in the future, but at least we’ll get some more use out of this. 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Father’s Day

I saw a glimpse of Jesus today. 

Elizabeth has a ‘baking business’.  She bakes goods, gives them away, and receives a few dollars from friends. 

Tonight she went out to Dairy Queen with her dad & sister.  She paid, with her baking money, all of it…the money she was saving to buy more baking supplies and frosting tips.  I cried when I found out.  It beautiful when your children share everything they have, everything they worked for, without encouragement.  

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Fr. Mike on the New Ark of the New Covenant

So I wanted to write this down to remember for future reference. Many times when I need a pick-me-up, I'll click on my label PTL (Praise the Lord) and read previous posts. So I'm listening to Fr. Mike Schmitz's Bible in a Year podcast. On May 4th "Covenant w/ David" Fr. Mike said that Mary is now our NEW Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant contained the 10 Commandments (John 1:14 Jesus is the Word of God made flesh), the staff of Aaron (Hebrews 4:14 Jesus is our high priest), and the manna from heaven (John 6:35: I am the life). Both Arks were taken up into the hill country of Judah; David to the house of Obed-e′dom and Mary to the house of Elizabeth. 2 Samuel 6:9 - David said, “How can the ark of the Lord come to me?” He leaped and danced in the presence of the Ark. Luke 1:43 - Elizabeth says, "But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?" as the babe leaped in her womb. I do love the similarities and to see how God's plans unfold.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Wow! Flowers from David’s Work

David had a HUGE project this last month. He spent 6 mo preparring for it and then the last month project-managing ;) the installation. It was 7day/wk, 12-16 hr days. So work sent ME a bouquet today.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Goodbye Earl

Papa Earl went to be with our Lord Saturday, 4/3/21 @ 6:30 pm, Easter eve. (I teased Mom it was better than 5,6,78 - musician joke.) He touched SO many lives and had been in our family for the last 15. His quick wit and easy smile is going to be dearly missed. He was a child at heart and loved bringing the girls to the candy store, playing card tricks on them, & sharing his wealth of musical knowledge with them. Elizabeth loved his willingness to always play a game with her-esp chess. Felicity always loved his goofiness in rough-housing and that they had matching dimples. He and David never lacked for conversation. I was just thankful he made Mom so happy. Thank you Earl for picking up a bunch of loopy ladies, with buckets on top of their heads, singing "Goodbye Earl." Until we meet again...

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Hamster Maze

The girls build Sugar a Candy Land Hamster Maze. She did very well! 

Friday, January 8, 2021

New Upstairs Doors

We’ve been wanting to redo the upstairs doors since my in-laws house fire. Solid doors are so much safer than our hollow doors - and block outside noises better.  Projects like this are always fun because they don’t take long to stain, sand, poly and David does the hanging. 2 down, 2 more to go - and maybe some closet doors next. 😉
After: 6-panel door, stained & polyed

Before: hollow door, not sound resistant or fire safe 


Saturday, January 2, 2021

Maki - Brooks Christmas

 I’m so glad these cousins have each other. Wm 12, Catriana & Felicity 7, Elizabeth & Isabella 10, Nathaniel 2. It was a good day to ring in 2021 & celebrate Christmas.