Saturday, April 11, 2009

New Job

Have you even been so blessed by the Lord that you take a sidestep to catch your breath, saying, ", why me? I didn't do anything special to deserve this"? I have been at my job since November 13th, 2006. Last month I was notified at work that the head of the recreational therapy department would be leaving her position. Our administer asked if I would take over the department by merging my current department with this one. I was honored with the proposal and was given the weekend to think it over and discuss it w/ David. In the end, I accepted the position. My new title is "Director of Occupational & Rec Therapy" at our skilled nursing facility. I officially started my new job this week (Apr 6) & have been doing pretty much 1/2 days in each department. I have already been putting in extra time and weekends, working 6:30 - 4:30, just to fully grasp the job and all the thousands of important details. David has been super supportive. It is a bigger overtaking than I had initially realized, but like I keep saying; with God on my side, I can do it. I always pray for God's Will, along with his strength, peace, and wisdom for my life and in the lives of those around me (this tends to extend out to the entire world). I believe this is what He had planned all along, a totally different direction then I could have ever foreseen. He still surprises me. Just a word of advice, when your life is stressful and you don't know what direction you are going, God has a plan for you. You just have to be willing to pray and accept it and He will bless you with more than you deserve.

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