Tuesday, April 27, 2010

13 Weeks

Fingerprints have formed on baby's tiny fingertips, veins and organs are clearly visible through the still-thin skin, and its body is starting to catch up with its head — which makes up just a third of the body size now. Baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce. Baby can now suck its thumb!
That being said, I have been doing relatively good at still fitting into my regular clothes. I had to be a little creative, but was still pulling it off...until I went to switch from my nice work pants to my house pants and realized that my zipper had busted. WIDE OPEN, not able to be salvaged. I chalked it up to them being old pants. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


  1. hang in there! Only about 4 weeks until you get a new wardrobe :) I did see those belly bands at target - so one of those should hold you over until then.

    Yeah, I'll have to bite the bullet and break down to purchase new pants. I just didn't think I'd have to do it so soon!
    Thanks for the advice...keep it comin'. I need all the advice I can get.
