Sunday, October 3, 2010

Goodland Maki Housewarming

Troy & Heather moved "home" this summer. We had a house-warming this past weekend with the whole fam damily. Good food, good conversations, good times. We watched the video of Earl's band being inducted into the Hall of Fame. We enjoyed it, but I think Ruby & William really got a kick out of "Earl is on TV!" For dessert, the girls had carrot cake (my favorite) with Baby Brooks' ultrasound picture on it. SOOOO thoughtful, thanks girls! Afterwards, Derik & Troy educated their 2 year olds on fire crackers (that's it boys, start them off young haha). It was great having everyone together. Thanks Makis for hosting and hope we helped you warm your house! (to 84-degrees!)
(Top picture of Ruby: she's got her hand on my belly and she's "listening" for baby with the other hand. She told me "There's a baby in there!" after she felt it move.)

1 comment:

  1. awww, adore the video, what's that little Ruby teaching you William? :)
