Friday, May 25, 2012

Beaver Glands Bear "Natural Flavoring"

While I've often read labels, I'm doing more research.  Here's my findings:
Castoreum is the exudate from the castor sacs of the mature beaver. Within the zoological realm, castoreum is the yellowish secretion of the castor sac in combination with the beaver's urine, used during scent marking of territory.
Castoreum is also used in small amounts to contribute to the flavor and odor of cigarettes.
In the United States, castoreum has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a food additive, often referenced simply as a "natural flavoring" in the product's list of ingredients. While it can be used both food and beverages as a vanilla, raspberry and strawberry flavoring, the annual industry consumption is only around 300 pounds. bon appetit

Monday, May 21, 2012

18 Months Old

I cannot believe the changes I've seen in this little girl this month.  She has found her voice, blows kisses, climbs & descends stairs, says minor 2-word phrases (all done, sit down), can 2-legged jump, walks backwards, gives mama kisses through the slats in her crib & says "bye" and waves.  She even learned to cross herself before our mealtime prayer last night, which set me into a bout of tears. This month has been full of changes.  She's learned to throw a tantrum, yes Grandmas...believe it or not. But also how to change her babies diapers and put them down to nai-nigh.  Her sweet little voice & babbling are music to my ears and the pitter patter of her feet put a skip in my heart.  What a blessing. 
Elizabeth: sitting on the pot. ROR

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Gluten Free Me?

I try not to whine or complain and am generally a private person.  Those who know me personally may beg to differ, but's how I feel, yet maybe not the persona I tend to display.  Don't correct me...I did say, bold, & underline the word "try". :)
That being said, my health has wavered for years; including heart issues, fatigue, increased anaphylactic allergic reactions to the most common foods, skin sensitivities, and more.  I've gone to the doctor, tests done, "normal results" return, and a pill is recommended.  I'm not big on meds & currently don't take any prescriptions.  I want answers, not a bandage.  I don't want a beta blocker, I want to know what is causing my rapid heart rate.
Finally it got to be too much.  I was fearful of eating, drinking, & was often getting sick.  I typed up my whole medical history as best as I could recall & went to see a doctor friend of mine on Friday.  There's no complete conclusion, but she believes it's gluten intolerance.  Tests were taken and I am waiting the results.  After researching it, it makes sense & it would cause all my symptoms.  So I am trialing the gluten-free lifestyle.  With my husband supporting me, I'm hoping this journey ends in good results.
Back in the 80's, antibiotics were used, and used a lot, and  I was a sick kid who got them a lot. Those antibiotics reek havoc on the good flora in the intestine.  The small intestines cannot work when out of sync like this and inflammation starts - sometimes affecting many parts of the body.  I am not blaming anyone - this is why doctors "practice" medicine.  I just hate being the guinea pig.  Here's hoping that my new high fiber & protein diet with OTC probiotics aide in the healing process and I learn what its like to be normal again.
Have you ever spoken with someone who has been sick for a while and they finally find out the diagnosis, and while the diagnosis isn't the best, there's a sense of relief on their face in knowing what it is?  That's how I feel.  This isn't a "for sure" diagnosis, and I may not see results for months or more, but there's hope, and that's what I want at this point.
PS: Gluten is everywhere.  It's actually quite depressing.  But if it works, it's a lifestyle I'm willing to accept.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Cinco de Mayo to mi Hubie

For our wedding anniversary, I asked to go to the circus.  Little did I know that Cirque Du Soleil was showing locally.  So we bought tickets, 4th row, and watched a professional circus.  It was nothing short of amazing.  Later that weekend we went to the one showing here in town, but it was overshadowed by what we saw just a few nights before.
For presents, I bought David a gift certificate to Lowe's (I don't dare pick out a saw for him.  Lord knows what I would come home with!).  But he sent Elizabeth into the master bathroom while I was getting ready with a little blue box wrapped in a silk ribbon.  My jaw dropped as I recognized the signature blue box.  Happy 5th Anniversary to Me!  Elizabeth enjoyed my squeals of delight too & joined in the excitement.