Monday, May 21, 2012

18 Months Old

I cannot believe the changes I've seen in this little girl this month.  She has found her voice, blows kisses, climbs & descends stairs, says minor 2-word phrases (all done, sit down), can 2-legged jump, walks backwards, gives mama kisses through the slats in her crib & says "bye" and waves.  She even learned to cross herself before our mealtime prayer last night, which set me into a bout of tears. This month has been full of changes.  She's learned to throw a tantrum, yes Grandmas...believe it or not. But also how to change her babies diapers and put them down to nai-nigh.  Her sweet little voice & babbling are music to my ears and the pitter patter of her feet put a skip in my heart.  What a blessing. 
Elizabeth: sitting on the pot. ROR

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