Monday, February 25, 2013

Piggy Tails

Pippy long stockings braids. (It's the small things in life we have to find our joy and playing w/ my daughter's hair is one of them!)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Big Girl Bed

Elizabeth moved from the smaller nursery to the larger yellow&brown room. We kept her in her crib w/ 1 side off like a daybed so it wouldn't be such a big change & then let her pick out her own big-girl bed. Needless to say she jumped on them all. She has done very well in her new bed.
She's also become quite verbal. Here she wanted me to "take my picture". When I went to go grab the camera it was "here doggy" so they could have their pic together. And everything is "whadda dong?" Even when I'm using the bathroom it's "whadda doing, Mommy?" Finally, slightly annoyed w/ the constant question, I said "peeing. What are you doing, Elizabeth?" Her ever so sweet retort:"Watching" lol. I laughed so hard at my daughter's simple innocence. What a fun age we're in.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Book Review on Alkalizing

Until I spoke w/ a nutritionist friend of mine, I'd never heard of alkalizing & I thought I'd share. Dr. Baroody's comprehensive research and clinical findings indicate that illness and disease are directly linked to over acidity in the system in Alkalize or Die: Superior Health Through Proper Alkaline-Acid Balance.

All the foods we eat are either acidic or alkalizing to our systems.  This book goes into great detail about the different foods, but here's a synapses:  Things that make our systems acidic are: animal products (meats, milk, and eggs), trans fats, as well as sugar, caffeine, and get this: negative attitudes!
Alkalizing foods include: fruits and vegetables. And positive attitudes are also alkalizing.  The best fruits to alkalize: melons & citrus, esp grapefruit (or add lemon to your water). Yes citrus is acidic, but our bodies change it and use it as an alkaline. Or eat your dark leafy greens. I also like Kyo-green, a gluten-free, wheat-free green supplement.

Dr Baroody comes at it from a standpoint that God created us to eat the foods that came from the earth.  He does not say we only have to eat only alkalizing foods, but to have a balance.
A steak & egg meal followed w/ a glass of milk is going to be very acidic.  Trade in one of the proteins w/ a side of fruit and trade in the milk for some 100% fruit juice instead. (and no, milk is not good for us adults, but that's another blog.

  • Makes Us Fat
  • Robs Us of Energy
  • Causes Allergies
  • Causes Free-Radical Damage and Premature Aging
  • Causes Excess Mucus
  • Corrodes and Destroys Veins, Arteries and Heart Tissues
  • Inhibits the Metabolism of Fatty Acids
  • Causes Bad Cholesterol Problems
  • Increases Blood Pressure
  • Inhibits the Synthesis of DNA-RNA and Cellular Regeneration
  • Stops Oxygen Delivery to Tissues
Acidic body systems are more likely to have cancer, arthritis, infections, and low energy. Cancer LOVES sugar.  Look into it more for yourself if you are interested.  VERY interesting!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Brooks Weekend

Emalyn stretching out after all the commotion
It was a busy weekend. While we celebrated Emalyn Hazel's baptism on Saturday, we also celebrated Grandma Brooks life at her funeral.  We're blessed to have both of these lovely ladies in our lives.  May God bless them both.

I do have to smile because Grandma always made me promise to take care of her David, every time I saw her. Whether it was a promise or a gentle threat, I don't know :), but I will Grandma, promise.
Family Brooks


Family Parks

Emy loves having her hair "washed"

Godparents Kim & James

And baby Makes 4

Auntie Kim has the touch

Cousins are the best! E was SO exicited to see Auntie Kitty & Mark
Saying Goodbye to cousins Matthew & Mark
Miss you already, Great Grandma Brooks. Kisses.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

20 Week Ultrasound

Had a 20 week ultrasound today. 143 Beats per minute. Dr. said everything looks good. Finally reached the halfway mark. I suppose it's time to tell everybody at work.

What Do You Bring to a Marriage?

I tell the girls @ work: I'm lucky. My husband brought love & patience to our marriage. He's such a devoted husband & father. He's a hard worker and my best friend.
Dave tells the guys @ work: (lifts up his favorite microwaveable bowl for his soup) this is the best thing my wife brought into the house when we got married.
Mmmm...perspectives. Hehe