Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Ash Wednesday - And Lent 2016 Begins

Today is the 1st day of Lent.  I have learned through the years that what we choose to give up and/or take on is a very private matter.  At times I have been in groups where we took turns sharing what we were giving up, and other conversations where the person dodged the question.  Like I said, I let others share if they want, but I don't probe...anymore.

Father Chuck gave everyone a nail to keep with them.  We are to write down our Lent Intentions as a family on a piece of paper with a nail on it and hang them up around the church.  Whenever we are tempted to fall back into old habits, we are to reach into our pockets and hold onto the nail as a reminder what we are preparing our hearts for in the coming days.

I was asked a few weeks ago why Catholics give up anything, and why is it many times something trivial like salt, chocolate, snacking, swearing, social media, tv, etc.  I quickly prayed about it and asked God to put the correct words in my mouth.  "Many times we give something up that we use everyday, something we may be addicted to, so that it is a sacrifice.  Or, like swearing, giving something up that you feel separates you from God.  The reason?  So that every time we want or crave this sacrifice that we have given up we remind ourselves that we cannot be controlled by worldly things.  God is bigger and He is in control.  Also it reminds us to grab the nail in our pocket and thank Christ for what he has done/is about to do as we re-live Easter."  WOW...I couldn't have thought of that on my own.

Sure I could give up that Hawaiian vacation this year...that's big, but I wasn't going to go on one anyhow.  That's not a sacrifice.  Years ago our old priest said he gave up salt as he is guilty, like me, of pouring it on everything before even tasting the food.  Every time he wanted it, he'd pray.  God says to pray unceasingly.  What better way than praying every time you are given a reminder of some kind?  And, as a side note, he did try to cheat and go to McD's to order french fries to get his salt kick...and it just so happen that they didn't salt them! haha  Don't try to out smart God. ;)

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