Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Procrastinating Perfectionist

I'm a perfectionist. I'm also a procrastinator. Once I read an article about these two characteristics going hand-in-hand: often times one will put off a task since they believe they cannot do it perfectly.  I have done this my whole life; putting off homework until Sunday night, putting off grocery shopping until all my coupons are in order, putting off making a will or switching over my 401k. I've always admired my friends who had their project done weeks before it was due in college. If I were to do that I would fret about whether it was good enough for the whole time I had it done early. 

Fr Mike Schmitz was a priest in Hibbing before David and I started attending. I never have met him face-to-face, but I listen to his weekly podcasts. He is a man wise beyond his years.  He is currently in Duluth & is the college priest at the Newman center. One of his most powerful homilies for me was this one: DO.IT.NOW. 

Fr Mike says you'll be living an extraordinary life if you do it now. Everyone does it later. That's ordinary. Do it now, at home, at work. Do what's necessary, then you'll be able to do what's possible, opening the chance to do the impossible.  Make your bed, make that phone call, mail that letter, the little things add up. It doesn't need perfection. We put things off why? Because we can. 
It's something to reach for and challenge myself. 

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