Thursday, December 8, 2016

Dance Lessons

Elizabeth has been begging me for months to take dance lessons. Even for her birthday I bought her ballet slippers and a leotard. It wasn't until we stopped at a dance studio to buy Nutcracker tickets for her and I that I realize they had dancing for little girls. The owner recommended a 45 minute weekly class that taught all different types of dance.  Come to find out her co-teacher was also be her last-year's (8th grader) prayer partner from school.   So we signed her up, and of course like she does with everything she gets nervous the day before, can't sleep at night, and hangs on to me when we get there. She's an outgoing little girl, and I know she'll do just fine.  I end up feeling like the bad mom that while she's crying into my sleeve I'm pushing her into the dance studio.  There's 9 other little girls there. They invite her to sit down. She refuses. Her co-teacher she loves & adores is late. "Come on, God.  Help Ali to get here safe."  After 15 minutes Elizabeth is bending, prancing, and galloping with the rest of them.  She knows "Rose" a first grader from school.  They come out when they're done and she ALL smiles and pink-cheeked.  "Mom, can I come again next week?!"  

Sometimes God presses us to do uncomfortable things.  "Should I tell that person I'm here for them?" "Should I start a new job, volunteer more?"  "Should I move, should I stay?" This was a good reminder for me that when He presses us, he'll be with us the entire way, His face pressed against the glass and his heart filled with pride saying, "YOU CAN DO THIS!"  

Phil 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

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