Monday, July 24, 2017

Gardening-Tippy Corn

Arg.  I'm not big on growing corn.  It just SUCKS the nutrients out of the garden and it's dirt-cheap to buy, but the family wanted it this year.  As long as I had the extra room in the garden, I obliged.  Son of a gun, wouldn't you know that a very quick, but very strong storm went through and bent every one down to the ground.  I forgot to take a pic.  That night David and I went out, lifted them back up, and he hoed dirt around the stalks to prop them back up.  It worked, so far.  Now to see if they'll keep growing and produce or not.  If not, I've learned my lesson.

Growing corn was nothing super important to me, but it still bummed me out to lose it.  Imagine losing your home or something else you've worked endlessly on just to have it gone (poof) like that in a moment.  Guess I should count my blessing instead of my turned over corn stalks.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Abigail, May 4, 2017
"She may look like any other 20-month-old little girl, but Abigail Freihammer is living with a heart condition. Her parents say Abigail can do almost anything and is full of energy even after one surgery and six procedures.

“Abby had the transposition of the great arteries; it meant that the two main arteries coming out of her heart were switched, so she was going to need surgery immediately after birth,” said Abigail’s Father, Brandon Freihammer.
Just three months ago Abigail’s heart took a turn for the worse. Now she’s on a transplant list for a new heart and may receive it within six months to a year.
“We’ve got accepted into the program down at Mayo [Clinic]. We’ve been on, they call a Level II where it’s been kind of an indefinite hold, but now that Abby’s condition gotten worse and she’s going to have the IV medication all the time,” said Brandon. “She’s going to be they call it Level 1B.”
Despite these circumstances, life must go on for the Freihammers. They’re also parents to five-month-old Benson. Asking “why Abigail?” just doesn’t happen.
“I try and move that one away as quickly as I can because there aren’t any good answers and it doesn’t help me handle the present,” said Aana.
The couple leans on their faith for strength.
“God won’t leave us in a dark spot, that’ll he’ll bring good out of anything,” said Aana. “We kind of hold on to that hope.”
The Freihammers are hopeful that Abigail will eventually lead a normal life with a new heart.
“So even though we’re going to be solving some problems for Abigail we’ve got new ones ahead that we have to be ready for,” said Aana."
I'm happy to say that when I came home from my vacation with the girls this wkend, David said that they announced in church that baby Abby got the call and got a new heart this wkend.  We rejoiced and praised God for his blessings.  There are still staying in Rochester for a month or so because her body could potentially reject the new heart and she's going to need therapy.  This cherub-faced little girl is so special to the entire church congregation and needs all the prayers we can muster. Just about every night we pray for "baby Abby's broken heart" (Felicity's words).  It's very sad how one has to acquire a new heart, but I also pray for the family who donated it and their loss they are suffering as well.  God bless you, Baby Abby.  You've already touched more lives than you'll ever know.  God has great things in store for you.

First Camping Experience

Elizabeth BEGGED me to bring her camping.  I'm not big on it; the bugs, the dirt, the lack of facilities, the wilderness, lack of running water besides lakes/streams, noisy neighbors, the hot days & cool nights...can you tell I'm not big on it?  I kept my prior experiences and opinions to myself so as not to negatively influence my daughters.
Anyhow...I asked my Goodland family if we could camp there so my kids could experience the great outdoors and get in some valuable cousin time.  We weren't really roughing it since we stayed in their camper, used their indoor facilities, and had hot-cooked meals daily, but it was still super fun.  Besides a few bug bites we took home with us, fun was had by all.
Beast 2002, Enzo 2017

Catriana 3.5, Felicity 4, Elizabeth 6.5, Isabella 7, William 8.5

Keeping cool playing Operation

Goofy babies


Wm -- always the good helper


Friday, July 14, 2017


Here are My 10 favorite Ways to Use Lemongrass Essential Oil:
  1. For Thyroid Support: Combine 10 drops of lemongrass, 10 drops of frankincense, 10 drops of basil, 10 drops of clove and 10 drops of myrrh in a glass roller ball and top with fractionated coconut oil. Rub a few swipes on the bottoms of the feet twice a day.  
  2. Lymphatic Drainage: Rub 1 drop of Lemongrass with a bit of fractionated coconut oil on the bottoms of the feet 2x a day. Movement is also very important for the lymphatic system, so make sure to combine this with at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. 
  3. For Lactose Intolerance: Place 1-2 drops in a veggie capsule and take internally 20 minutes before eating. I have a friend who does this when eating out at restaurants just in case he consumes anything with dairy without his knowledge. He says it works wonderfully! (I recognize that ingesting pure essential oils internally is a controversial topic. If you're not comfortable ingesting the oils, then simply rub 1-2 drops over the stomach.)
  4. Natural Insect Repellant: Diffuse 2 drops Lemongrass, 2 drops Thyme, 2 drops Eucalyptus, and 2 drops Basil.
  5. For Edema: Rub 1-2 drops with some Fractionated Coconut Oil on any areas of the body that are retaining fluids. If you're retaining fluids on a normal basis, this can be a sign of an adrenal imbalance. Click here for more info. 
  6. To Sooth Aching Joints and Muscles: Rub 1 drop of lemongrass and 1 drop of Eucalyptus with a bit of fractionated coconut oil over area of concern. 
  7. Occasional Fever: Rub 1 drop of lemongrass and 1 drop of peppermint with a bit of fractionated coconut oil up and down the spine. 
  8. Bloating and Gas: Rub 1 drop of lemongrass and 1 drop of DigestZen over the abdomen. 
  9. To Calm the Nerves: Diffuse 2 drops Lemongrass, 2 drops Lavender, and 1 drop Geranium.
  10. To Soothe a Sore Throat: Rub 1 drop lemongrass and 1 drop frankincense with a bit of fractionated coconut oil over the throat. 

Friday, July 7, 2017


 Today is the day baby Brooksie would have been born.  December 9th we were 10 wks pregnant when I started to bleed, had an ultrasound to find no heartbeat, started to bleed profusely Dec 10th, and brought to the ER for a D&C.  Obviously we don't know the gender.  I would have liked to have met baby George or Gabriela (my choices for names), but God had a different plan.  Elizabeth talks about Baby Brooksie often and prays for him/her that we'll meet again someday in heaven. One spends a lot of time self reflecting on why things happen.  Until we meet again, sweet baby...