Sunday, September 13, 2009

Missed Email

Today I checked one of my old, old email addresses from high school. I check it maybe 1-2x/year. In there was an email from Dad, dated exactly 5 months ago today, offering me his manual treadmill because he was going to get an electric one so that he could exercise & get strong again after the hard winter
"cause this one requires too much effort for atrophied legs" is what he wrote.
What a breath stopper; to get an email from your father who passed away 4 months ago. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of him. I pray for everyone in my family daily, in my morning and evening, including the ones who have gone before us. Any why not? Yesterday, I finally forced myself go through the sympathy cards we received back in May. I wasn't ready until now. Some people wrote really touching, personal messages. Including how he was always willing to lend a hand at work, how he would help a neighbor without asking for anything in return, how good of a friend and neighbor he was, and how he was always willing to sit & listen or share a good laugh. And to them, I thank you for sharing those memories with Dad's kids.
I dream of Dad, quite often really. He's still alive and I am trying to warn him that his days are numbered. He tells me he already knows and that all of our days are numbered. Good point, Dad.
The dreams and the emails all sign off the same:
love you lots...........Dad


  1. Wow, very touching (teary) Deed, thanks for sharing. The world was such a nicer more peaceful place when Lon was on it. But now he's where peace originates, maybe dolling out advice. Maybe talking to God about his kids and grandkids. Keep his memory alive now and forever. When I looked at the date, I remember that this is my Dad's birthday. The pain never goes away, but thank God is lessens. Mom

  2. Sept 13, 1909. Wow, Grandpa would have been 100.

  3. Christi we all loved him. Every once in awhile I'll find his address still on my computer. I get alittle choked up but I know he is were he belong. With our Lord! Love ya all and thanks.
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