Saturday, September 5, 2009

Movie Review: Julie & Julia

We brought some of our residents at the nursing home to a Julie & Julia matinée. It is a combination of two real-life stories of Julie Powell & Julia Child. We giggled through much of it, but it had some of it's "ahh" moments as well, bringing tears to my eyes more than once.
It's a different movie, maybe a little slow paced, but entertaining none the less. I like action movies on the big screen, so I would recommend waiting until it comes out on DVD, but definitely a must-see. Meryl Streep and Amy Adams really do an awesome job at their roles. 7/8 of our residents gave it a thumbs-up. (Our one thumbs down was the one male we brought along, and he slept through much of it !) Bon Appetit.
Nobody here but us servantless American cooks...
Julie Powell's actual blog:

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