Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Whoo Wee

Today I put in a 9.5-hour shift starting at 6:30. Got home from work and made pork chops with potatoes & gravy along with a side veg. Threw last years compost onto the garden and tilled the whole garden -- both ways, up hill (just kidding). I raked and got it smooth for next year. Then I swept the deck & walkway (to sweep away the black dirt footprints). All while listening to Dave Ramsey's podcast before David got home from his 12 hour shift. What's the plans for tonight? After dinner...shampooing carpets. Yeah!


  1. This is so weird. Guess what we had for supper tonight? Pork chops, potatoes, gravy and a side of veggies (fried green tomatoes).

  2. "Great minds think alike".Voltaire (1760). Actually , I think it's "When a Frenchman and an Englishman think alike, they certainly must be right." Anyhow...
    I would have made one more batch of fried green tomatoes, but they all turned red...which is good, but they just don't taste the same fried!
