Wednesday, June 30, 2010

22 weeks

Pregnancy @ 22 weeks

At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. Lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and even developing tiny tooth buds beneath the gums. The eyes have formed, but the irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers the body and the deep wrinkles on the skin, which (s)he'll sport until (s)he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside the belly, the pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.

How your life's changing:
At this point, you may find your belly becoming a hand magnet. It's perfectly okay to tell folks who touch your tummy that you'd rather they didn't. And if people are telling you that you look smaller or bigger than you should at this point, remember that each woman grows — and shows — at her own rate.
Yea, why is this that people think they can just reach out and touch your belly? I have never touched a pregnant woman's belly. I've been getting the "Oh, you're starting to show a little"-pat-pat. I just can't fathom why anyone would think it's ok to just reach out and touch someone's stomach. Friends and family are acceptable, but I also hug family and friends too. I don't hug out of my comfort zone and I don't feel comfortable with the "pat pat" of a stranger's hand on my belly.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Quote by George Dana Boardman

Sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny. George Dana Boardman

Friday's Bible Versus

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger (Pr. 15:1).
Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out (Pr. 17:14).
Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful (2 Tim. 2:23-24).
All of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be
compassionate and humble (1 Pet. 3:6).

Monday, June 21, 2010

First Kicks

Last Tuesday 06/15 was our 20-week ultrasound of Baby Brooks. The tech said the reason I hadn't yet felt BB kick is b/c the placenta is on the anterior wall, making it harder for me to feel movement. I felt baby for the first time then on Friday. I stopped what I was doing, frozen in time. Was that it? ... Ooo, how about that? But last night I have no doubt. David was on the phone w/ his parents and I was reading in bed. I felt the thump, then again. I lifted my silken pajama top and watched my belly bounce. Not wanting to get up and disturb or shift Baby, I call for Dave. He comes in, phone to ear, and looks at me suspiciously. (I never holler for him, so it must be important right?) He follows my line of sight and stares at my belly, seeing it move. His warm hand reaches out to caress the thumping and tells Candy that the baby just kicked him. Later, BB gets me on the other side. I get a fit of the giggles. What a weird and miraculous feeling. Oooo, there (s)he goes again!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Deer in the Back 40

There was a doe with her new wobbly-legged fawn in our back yard. I took these pictures from our brown room. Baby was nursing while mom looked on. Pretty cool little miracle. Even more so as I look on, rubbing my own swollen belly. God is so good.

Flowering Plants

I have had my Christmas Cactus for 7 years. It has been to Goodland, Hibbing, LaCrosse, Winona, and back to Hibbing and for the first time this year it finally bloomed. My African Violet is super happy lately too!

Water Tests

Got our water tested the other day. Good news, no bacteria or nitrates. Yeah! Makes me feel a while lot better about drinking our water. It's actually really good water, I just never had it tested and being pregnant, it was recommended that we have it tested. A $50 insurance policy if you ask me.

BulKonSchMakiBrooks Get Together

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Our 20-Week Baby (1/2 way through already!)

We had our 20 week check up today along with ultrasound #2. First being @ 8 weeks to see & hear heartbeat (147BPM). Baby was hard to track down at first because of its constant movement, but the tech finally got her measurements. Unfortunately baby fell back asleep and was in the wrong position to check out the spine thoroughly, so we have another ultrasound scheduled for 24 week checkup. Little bugger was stubborn...don't know where it gets it from. I even flopped from one side to another to get Baby Brooks to dice. Baby is ~11 oz. Amniotic fluid amount is good. Size and length is good. Baby had feet crossed, so even if we wanted to know the gender, it wasn't letting on! :) Baby is about the size of a banana. We could see the tongue moving, the four chambers of the heart pumping, kidneys, bladder, you name it. The placenta is on the anterior wall of the uterus, which is good b/c it's clear of the cervix, but bad because it delays when I feel baby kick. We watched baby kick me on the screen, but couldn't feel it. We also had a 3D pic taken, but because BB's face was pressed up against my uterus, it a little hard to tell. My heart is but a flutter. What an awesome, awesome thing. Had to show them off at dance tonight. The already Mom's knew what they were looking at. I just nod and smile. Most popular question after due you know what you're having? "Yep," I say, "a baby!" Can't wait to meet you, little one. (The top pic is from the net, not me.)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Quote by: David Campbell

David Campbell, the founder of Saks Fifth Avenue, said, “Discipline is remembering what you want.”

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Did you know that a pregnant woman can demolish a whole watermelon in 2 days? I didn't until I looked down with about 10 pieces left, peered across the room at my adoring Hubby and said, "Sorry Hon, did you want any?"
BTW: Baby Brooks is 19 weeks along. 6" head to rump, 1/2#, and likes watermelon.

Maki-Brooks Temperature Intolerance

I have come up with a new diagnosis: Maki-Brooks Temperature Intolerance. I can tolerate about 71-72 degrees, and that's about it. It's about 68 in our house right now and I'm in my layers of PJs and sweats. On the other hand, 74 and I'm too hot.
Did you know that there is a name for people who eat only one portion of their food at a time and cannot let their food touch? Serial Eaters. (This is what I learn sitting in the breakroom.) They have a diagnosis for everything. No wonder why we're such a self centered and over medicated society. Everyone has something wrong with them. It's not just quirks anymore, it's diagnoses. Arg. Well, if you can't beat em, join em.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Class of 2000 10th Reunion

Saturday morning I got all my house hold chores done with the help my my DB (dearly beloved). My laundry, dishes, floors, and bathrooms were clean before heading out to weed and plant the garden. I had the garden tilled last week, but ... hmmm. :) After planting, we cleaned up, ran to town to drop off a rented movie, and headed to my reunion at the country club. Great food. Great time. I know everyone is on their best behavior, but I graduated with some really nice and genuine people. I forgot how much I liked them. A few of us promised that we would keep in touch better. I was pleasantly surprised to find out how many people still live relatively close to us. All in all, we had a lot of fun and thoroughly .
Here's a pic of me and Angel (Arsenault) Nelson. She's 21 and I'm 19 weeks pregnant. Lovely Baby Bumps, huh?
Billie Jo (Lorence) Doyle, my four-wheeling Goodland buddy.
Cari (Latvala) Salmi -- My girl!
My Primo To'Mas.

Ducks in the Back Pond

We always enjoy the wild life on our property. This years we've had Canadian Honkers and wild ducks swimming in our pond. We set some corn out last week for them, and while they loved it, the deer enjoyed it even more. The twin deer from 2 years ago still come around and help themselves to our grass and seeds. Here's a picture of a beautiful mallard that was just chillin' out by the shed.

Bedroom #2 Complete

We FINALLY finished the yellow bedroom. It started out yellow and finished (more mellow) yellow, but with new walls, insulation, carpet & ceiling. It's Christi's room to do with what she wants. I'm slowing moving my stuff in and making it mine. Great job, Honey! We're a good team. What's next? :)

How Much is That Puppy in the Window?

Lexie has turned out to be such a good companion, even a traveling companion. Her favorite spot when we're in the car is the rear window. She is the funniest little thing and has brought so much joy into our lives.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

News: Man Struck & Killed While Changing a Tire

There was a fatal accident Tuesday afternoon on Interstate 35. The State Patrol is investigating a 40-year-old Twin Cities man struck and killed by a semi-truck in Pine County. The State Patrol says the accident happened around 3PM in the southbound lane of Interstate 35 just one mile south of Willow River. Officials on the scene tell us that the man had three family members in the car at the time of the crash. No one else was hurt. The investigation in ongoing.

The State Patrol advises that if you get a flat tire on busy roads like I-35, try drive to an exit or pull off the road and call a tow truck. When passing vehicles pulled over on the side of the road, slow down and get into the opposite lane. I think that this is a good reminder for us all.