Monday, June 21, 2010

First Kicks

Last Tuesday 06/15 was our 20-week ultrasound of Baby Brooks. The tech said the reason I hadn't yet felt BB kick is b/c the placenta is on the anterior wall, making it harder for me to feel movement. I felt baby for the first time then on Friday. I stopped what I was doing, frozen in time. Was that it? ... Ooo, how about that? But last night I have no doubt. David was on the phone w/ his parents and I was reading in bed. I felt the thump, then again. I lifted my silken pajama top and watched my belly bounce. Not wanting to get up and disturb or shift Baby, I call for Dave. He comes in, phone to ear, and looks at me suspiciously. (I never holler for him, so it must be important right?) He follows my line of sight and stares at my belly, seeing it move. His warm hand reaches out to caress the thumping and tells Candy that the baby just kicked him. Later, BB gets me on the other side. I get a fit of the giggles. What a weird and miraculous feeling. Oooo, there (s)he goes again!


  1. doesn't feeling your baby make everything seem so much more real?! :)

  2. So excited and happy for you, I remember the anticipation waiting (and worrying) until I felt that first kick, with each one of you.
