Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Our 20-Week Baby (1/2 way through already!)

We had our 20 week check up today along with ultrasound #2. First being @ 8 weeks to see & hear heartbeat (147BPM). Baby was hard to track down at first because of its constant movement, but the tech finally got her measurements. Unfortunately baby fell back asleep and was in the wrong position to check out the spine thoroughly, so we have another ultrasound scheduled for 24 week checkup. Little bugger was stubborn...don't know where it gets it from. I even flopped from one side to another to get Baby Brooks to move...no dice. Baby is ~11 oz. Amniotic fluid amount is good. Size and length is good. Baby had feet crossed, so even if we wanted to know the gender, it wasn't letting on! :) Baby is about the size of a banana. We could see the tongue moving, the four chambers of the heart pumping, kidneys, bladder, you name it. The placenta is on the anterior wall of the uterus, which is good b/c it's clear of the cervix, but bad because it delays when I feel baby kick. We watched baby kick me on the screen, but couldn't feel it. We also had a 3D pic taken, but because BB's face was pressed up against my uterus, it a little hard to tell. My heart is but a flutter. What an awesome, awesome thing. Had to show them off at dance tonight. The already Mom's knew what they were looking at. I just nod and smile. Most popular question after due date...do you know what you're having? "Yep," I say, "a baby!" Can't wait to meet you, little one. (The top pic is from the net, not me.)


  1. Wow, amazing! Can't wait to rock, kiss, hug, love Baby Brooks, Grandma Koney

  2. Very cool, Deed! Life is amazing isn't it? Even more so when created by Man, Woman, and God....as designed. Excited for you and for the addition to the family as a whole!

    Neices, and Nephews, and Cousins - Oh My!

    TM :)
