Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Maki-Brooks Temperature Intolerance

I have come up with a new diagnosis: Maki-Brooks Temperature Intolerance. I can tolerate about 71-72 degrees, and that's about it. It's about 68 in our house right now and I'm in my layers of PJs and sweats. On the other hand, 74 and I'm too hot.
Did you know that there is a name for people who eat only one portion of their food at a time and cannot let their food touch? Serial Eaters. (This is what I learn sitting in the breakroom.) They have a diagnosis for everything. No wonder why we're such a self centered and over medicated society. Everyone has something wrong with them. It's not just quirks anymore, it's diagnoses. Arg. Well, if you can't beat em, join em.


  1. Auntie Shirley is like that with the food, arg, whats the name for people who fold their potato chip /candy wrappers when done eating them, she did that too

  2. folding tater chip bags, i do that - what u want to make of it? And Heather folds my underwear - whats that make her? :D


  3. my mom will actually prop up one side of her plate with a fork to avoid the juices from one food accidentally running into her other food.

  4. I'd say we're a scary bunch, Mom
