Tuesday, July 13, 2010

6 Month (24 Week) Ultrasound

3D image of Baby Brooks. Last time the little bugger wouldn't wake up. This time, it wouldn't hold still! Luckily the tech got this picture before (s)he started martial arts in my tummy again. A few more 3D foot pics and then the regular ultrasound pictures. So far, so good, except BB1 is breech right now. 16 weeks left to flip. The other night, the head was poking up and the feet stretching on the other side. I could actually cup the head in the palm of my hand.

1 comment:

  1. the 3d ultrasound is so neat!! We didn't have that option down here, and it's neat too that you get to do more than just the 20 wk u/s. I wouldn't be concerned about breech right now - my babies didn't flip until closer to 30 weeks; they both liked to lie transverse (sideways).
