Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy 4th

I forgot to journal what we did for the holiday. Now lets see if I can remember... Friday...I don't remember. Saturday we celebrated Mark turning 6 with the Brooks Family. I supervised Gary & David installing Jackie's air conditioner. hot and humid that day. Went home to nap before heading off to Nashwauk for some gyros and mini donuts...oh and visiting w/ friends and family. We reconnected with Jer & Stac & Brekken (oh those kissable cheeks), David & Kacey, and Lenny & Jody. We found our way to Auntie Ann & Uncle Bob's and caught up with them. We watched the awesome fireworks show with Grandma Angie, Bob, Mike, Cheryl, Ann, Kim, Jeff, Josh, Matthew.
Sunday we went to church, walked the dog, and headed off to Ely. We enjoyed the beautiful sunshine and the Ely parade with Mom & Earl, and even got some Butterfinger bars and pepper from the candy throwers in the parade. (The pepper was Durkee brand, so I can't sniff, sniff at that, LOL!) Afterwards we found some food stands and bought some cotton candy for Earl's son who is serving his country overseas. (He sends him care packages of junk food he can't get over there...and Spam, as a joke.) After some good conversation in the back forty and Kirby doing laps around the table, we headed off to check out Mom's knee-high-by-the-fourth-of-July corn and surrounding gardens and say hello to the rest of the Bulinski clan. Dave & I get such a kick out of Earl's parents that we always like to be able to say hello when we can. They were excited about our expected blessing and told us stories of how their 6 kids were born. Huh. Is it too late to turn back now? :)
We made it home by 830 since I had to work Monday.

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