Saturday, July 10, 2010

Movie: Grown-Ups

We went to the movie "Grown-Ups" with Jer & Stacey and Lenny & Jodi last night. It was surprisingly clean and it had some pretty good one-liners. It also has a few big names from the old Saturday Night Live Show. I'd definitely recommend seeing it, but wait until it comes out on DVD. Afterwards we went for beers (pass the Shirley Temple please) and pool. All in all a good night with friends and a great chance to catch up.


  1. you seen the new Twilight yet? I'm hoping to see it while it's still in theatres

  2. No I haven't. You should move home so we can go see it :) Did you hear that the 4th one may be split into 2 movies?

  3. I think we'll be up next weekend - we should go see it together. Isabella can take a bottle now, so Troy can handle the kids :D

  4. Only if Dave comes over to help watch the kids.
