Wednesday, December 31, 2014

12/31/2014: first allergy shot

Today is the first day of my allergy treatments. From what I understand I will be taking Claritin every day for 40 weeks as I take my weekly shots. I'm taking this OTC drug to prevent me from having any allergic reactions to what they are treating me for so hopefully, in the future, I have less reactions to allergies. They are treating me for seven different allergens: grasses, trees, cat dander, & dust.  According to the nurse this isn't too bad. She has seen people with up to 30 different allergens in a vile.  Slowly over the next 40 weeks the titrations will increase and become more potent.  After that time I will be considered on a maintenance program for the next 3 to 5 years.  I don't know what this completely entails, but from my understanding it will go from weekly shots to bimonthly to monthly.  I've put this off for many years because it is scary. I'm injecting myself with things that will possibly caused me to have a reaction. Including anaphylaxis. But praying about this for year and worrying about it, which I know I shouldn't do, I had to make a decision. Thankfully the 1st shot went well - no reaction. I've asked others who had received Tx for allergies if they thought it worked and about 100% of the time  they shrug and say, "well, I'm not any worse". May sound negative, but I'll take it b/c my allergies are getting worse every year and I'm adding more items every year to my 'cannot eat' list.  
Now these Tx I'm getting are only for seasonal allergies, not food. But we are hoping that they cross over since many of the foods I'm allergic to are tree related. 

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