Monday, December 29, 2014

EO (Essential Oils) The Beginning - 3 Step Process to Reprogram

I've discovered a new hobby and it is Essential Oils (EO).  The more I read about them, the more I love.  Currently I'm reading Healing Oils of the Bible, by Dr. D avid Stewar t. 

If you can't smell an oil @ a distance, it probably isn't essential - exceptions include some natural, volatile oils that are faint.

Antibiotics are non-living & attack/kill all bacteria in our system, while EOs are smart and attack only the invaders. (However, the author does not appose the use of antibiotics, just not ALL the time.)

EOs are the only "treatment" small enough to cross the blood/brain barrier. 

Here he recommends a 3-step process to re-train your body/cells to communicate with one another:
(1) Cleanse cellular receptor sites to allow proper transfer of hormones, peptides, steroids, neurotransmitters, etc with: phenols and phenylpropanoids:
anise (90%), clove (80%), basil (70%), oregano (70%), thyme (48%), Calamus or cane (30%), cinnamon (25%), or cassia (8%)

(2) De-program BAD info: these EOs work at the subcellular level by affecting membrane fluidity and facilitating O2 transfer. They also reflect transport of material inside the cell, allowing access to DNA & RNA. Monoterpenes:
grapefruit (92), angelica (80%), frankincense (77%), cypress (77%), galbanum (75%), Rose of Sharon (54%), juniper (54%), spruce (50%), myrtle (37%), hyssop (30%), & peppermint (11%).

(3) Re-Program with correct info: Monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes work at the subcellular and intracellular levels, protecting against free radical damage and work within cells to produce properly programmed strands of RNA & DNA.  Sesquiterpenes:
cedar wood (98%), vetiver (96%), sandalwood/aloes (95%), patchouli (85%), ginger (70%), myrrh (60%), spikenard (50%), black pepper (47%), galbanum (4%), frankincense (8%).

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