Monday, December 21, 2015

Allergy Treatment: The Next Step

After 45 weekly allergy shots I have finally reached "maintenance" and switched from shots to drops. PTL!!!
A year ago I decided to go with the shots because (1) it's a faster buildup & (2) shots are FDA approved and paid for by insurance-sort of.  Even though we have good insurance I still paid about $30/shot and also paid for follow up visits to the allergist.  The drops cost $90/3-4 months.  Looking back in glad I did the shots and got to maintenance faster, but the cost is nuts. 
Anyway I still have a buildup on these as well, getting up to 3drops/day for 3-5 years.  It's suppose to build up my immune system and encourage my body not to make histamine when encountering an allergen.  My allergies were progressively getting worse and I needed to build myself back up. 
In this concoction are trees, cat dander, grasses, and weeds. Yummy!  Actually they're sweet so it tastes nothing like cat! ;)

Friday, December 18, 2015

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs

For years I've struggled with sticky shells, raw or overcooked yolks.  After many experiments and reading others blogs, I have a fool-proof system for the last few months.  It works with fresh eggs and older eggs. I've always heard to buy eggs and let them sit for a week or 2 before using so they peel better. That didn't work. 
Start water to boil w/o eggs in pot.  Add a shake of baking soda to boiling water.  While water is getting up to temp put cold eggs in bowl of warm water - otherwise cold eggs break when put into boiling water. 
Hard boil 10 minutes. Turn down slightly if water starts splashing out of pot, but keep it rolling. Shut off stove & let eggs sit 5 minutes.  Immediately give them an ice water bath & place bowl in fridge. 
That's it. 
I had bought a cheap egg timer so that I knew when the centers were done, but I no longer use since I have a method. 
Now this works with my glass top stove, which stays hot after turning off.  This technique may or may not work with a gas stove, for instance, so covering the pot to keep the heat in that last 5 min may be necessary. 
Maybe not everyone boils eggs as much as we do, but if making egg salad sandwich or deviled eggs, these eggs practically slide out of their shell. This is a plus for a 2 yo who is adamant about peeling her own eggies. 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Prayer for a Happy Death

I love the Catholic religion. They have a prayer for everything. I was listening to a homily via podcast the other day and Father said that people no longer pray for a "happy death".  I internally giggled at first as the title sounds like a Chinese meal. (What do you want today? Oh....I feel like the happy death.)
Once I composed myself and read the prayer it was very centering.  We are all born, we all die. In the meantime we do the best we can to love and serve others on earth and make it to heaven.  People fear death and thereby avoid talk about it.  

O God, great and omnipotent judge of the living and the dead, we are to appear before you after this short life to render an account of our works. Give us the grace to prepare for our last hour by a devout and holy life, and protect us against a sudden and unprovided death. Let us remember our frailty and mortality, that we may always live in the ways of your commandments. Teach us to "watch and pray" (Lk 21:36), that when your summons comes for our departure from this world, we may go forth to meet you, experience a merciful judgment, and rejoice in everlasting happiness. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Making Memories

     I have this hanging on my bedroom wall. It's a reminder to me that life is short and we only have this short time on earth. We have an even shorter time with our kids to set a good example and give them memories, good & bad. 
     That being said my husband and I rarely fight, maybe once every couple of years.  Last night we did, in front of the kids, which is wrong.  He was late for date night, and hungry, angry me...I spazzed. 
     We were in the car so there was really no place to go, but we still should have put our emotions aside or at least cancelled the night.  My poor children witnessed this incident and of course this sign in my bedroom reminded me that life is all about making memories, esp for our children, so try to make them good ones.
     This morning David and I sat down with the girls and explain to them how our argument in front of them was wrong. We explained that we still love each other and that we didn't mean to scare them.  This doesn't cover up last night's memory, but I do hope the girls learn forgiveness through this outburst of emotion. Not all memories are happy, but we hope everyone can learn from them and have good come from them. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

48* in December

Temp on my van was 48* even though net said 45* @ airport.  The kids were WAY over dressed to play outside, but we had FUN!  I've never seen so much grass in December. 

12/09 : Saint Juan Diego

First called Cuauhtlatohuac (“The eagle who speaks”), Juan Diego’s name is forever linked with Our Lady of Guadalupe because it was to him that she first appeared at Tepeyac hill on December 9, 1531. The most famous part of his story is told in connection with the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12. After the roses gathered in his tilma were transformed into the miraculous image of Our Lady, however, little more is said about Juan Diego.
In time he lived near the shrine constructed at Tepeyac, revered as a holy, unselfish and compassionate catechist who taught by word and especially by example.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Walmart Altercation

My kids are good kids. That being said I am strict with them and I'm on top of their misbehaving--maybe even a little too proactive.  I'm definitely not the parent who ignores behaviors or bribes their kids out of tantrums. 

That being said we had had a lovely morning.  Until we stood in line to return an item at Walmart. Elizabeth decides to stand on the side of cart and (three times) I asked her nicely to get off so she doesn't tip the cart with her sister inside.  
THEN she gives me the "stink face".  It's what we call the naughty scowl that is disrespectful and downright wrong.  See below:

For the last week or so I've told E that this is rude & inappropriate.  And now the little sister is starting it. 

I don't take it. So after getting the "stink face" from E, a deliberate outward sign of disrespect. So I told her, "wipe that look off your face or I will slap it off".  I said it calmly & quietly. I didn't shout or have to lay a hand on my child. She stopped & knew I meant business. 
Then this 20-something, unmarried (no ring so I'm assuming) woman standing in front of us turns around, looks at E, looks at me and loudly says, " you should be nicer to her."  And in the heat of the moment out of my lips comes, "you should mind your own business."  She turns back around. We make no more contact.  I contemplate apologizing or explaining that I'm trying to teach my children respect and this had been a week-long battle.  BUT I just couldn't do it. She was wrong in butting into a conversation she knew nothing about prior to this encounter.  It irritates me that an adult took a child's side whom she didn't see E's "stink face", hasn't been around during this week-long battle, and didn't even take the time to determine if the kiddo was in any danger.  I would stand up for a child of they were in harms way, but this wasn't it.  Spanking has become abuse to some people. This is why our society is in the position it is today.  
E didn't understand the 'altercation' (hehe) and F was too busy picking her nose (a new hobby).  Minutes later both girls are happy, giggling, singing and finding word games to pass the time in the long line. The guy behind me joked with the kids and a guy 2 people ahead of me turned, made eye contact & smiled.  This is not the sight of 2 abused, neglected children.  These are 2 cherished kiddos whom, I hope, will become pillars of society. 
God loves me.  I love my children, and let them know so they never doubt it.  He punishes those he loves. I punish those I love.  And I love my kids enough for them not to grow up to be little jerks! Haha

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Yoga with grandma Candy. We spent the night. 
Pretty pies. 
Playing catch with Uncle James. 
Eating Bry's pie. 
The Thanksgiving piƱata. 
Maki family comes to out home overnight!  Super fun. 
Talked to Grandma & Papa:

Felicity Joy Visits the Dentist

First visit to the dentist. They didn't do X-rays & will hold off on her first cleaning until next visit, but she did well. The dentist said they usually start crying/screaming so that's how he sees inside, but she just opened up for dr Mike!  She was pretty comfy lying on mom. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The "Boundary" Years

I recently read an article the the "2"s are the boundary years according to the Dutch. My youngest, Felicity, is 2 and my niece Catriana turns 2 today. Little kids, little problems. Big kids, big problems.
Anyway, instead of the "terrible twos" the Dutch refer to these years as the "boundary years".  I keep repeating this to myself as I shampoo the carpets after my dearest takes a marker to the floor, or unravels a whole roll of toilet paper. She is learning her boundaries. She is learning right from wrong and exploring her environment. I don't blame her. The world is fun. It's stimulating. But it's my job to lay down the law and teach her that painting paper is good. Painting the table is not good. 
So instead of telling others she is in get terrible twos and her hearing this thinking she's "terrible", I tell them she's just in her boundary years and I'm here as her ref to help her fix the oops and learn her boundaries. 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Waking up the Baby

I go to wake Fizzy up from her nap. She's lying in bed with her diddle-diddle reading a book. I tell her it's time to get up and she says "no tanks. I fine." 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Big Spender

Elizabeth turned 5. She got $55 for her bday. 1/2 went in the bank & the other 1/2 she could spend. We scoured the toy aisle for an hour. She decided on a stroller and a new baby doll outfit. She even wanted to check out herself. Here I am trying to hold back tears, proud of her little purchase and sad my baby is growing up. 

Pumpkin Processing

Our neighbors gave us 4 pie pumpkins. Actually he grows a 600# pumpkin every year, so these are his son's. After having them around for decorations for the last week, we processed them & got 13 cups of pumpkin purĆ©e & yummy roasted seeds. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Homemade Fruit Snacks

1.5 C fruit juice
4 T. Gelatin
2-4 T. Honey

Combine juice & gelatin in pot on stovetop. Once combined turn on medium heat & stir until mix is no longer gritty between fingers. Turn off heat. Add honey. Pour into molds & refrigerate. 

We made grape and they are yummy!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Elizabeth Turns the Big 0-5!

Lounging by the pool. We swam Saturday night & Sunday morning before church. E does very well independently in her life jacket. 
There were 3 in the bed and the little one said, "roll over!"
E dressed as Elsa with her Frozen cake. 
 #5 Angel for my Angel. 
E loves her sweet cousins!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Fall Fun

Making pumpkin bread for our neighbors. 
First snow. Kids loved it. 
Candy corn toes for baby books. 
This year's pumpkin: ELSA!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Mommy turns 34...So Far, So Good

My hams playing dress up:
Nothing is sweeter than my family singing to me, and Felicity prepping to blow out my candles:
A good way to end the day in the library:

Sunday, October 25, 2015

10 Things Your Mon Never Told You:

Happy (early) Birthday to Me

Hockey & boxing are my favorite sports. So when Dave got free tickets from a coworker, we got a babysitter, enjoyed some Chinese, hit up an Irish pub, then took in some hockey. Loved it!  Only thing better would have been if they won. Final score 2-3, but it was a fun game to watch.  (The girls had their first slumber party at their cousins.)

Thursday, October 15, 2015

I Love Our New Church

I miss our old church, but our new one is awesome, too. One of the bands uses drums with modern music. Here Felicity is playing in the holy water. (She says she's only touching, but she "touches" it up to her elbow sometimes!) Very warm. Very welcoming. 

My 1st GF Apple Pie

Wednesday, October 14, 2015